Report: Racial Health Disparities Magnified in California Under ACA

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Contact: Kathy Mulady, communications director (206) 992-8787 Breaking Barriers to Health Care Access in California “Obamacare didn’t cause the widespread racial disparities we found, but neither did it solve them.” More Californians than ever before have health insurance, but coverage isn’t care, and the Affordable Care ActContinue reading “Report: Racial Health Disparities Magnified in California Under ACA”

Rompiendo Barreras: Como Mejorar el Acceso al Seguro Médico y a la Atención Médica en California

 Puntos Principales La Alianza por una Sociedad Justa es una red que provee análisis de políticas, investigación, y gestión para promover la justicia racial y económica. Durante 20 años la Alianza ha desarrollado informes importantes sobre problemáticas claves relacionadas al sistema de salud, incluyendo el Medicaid y la industria del seguro médico. La reforma deContinue reading “Rompiendo Barreras: Como Mejorar el Acceso al Seguro Médico y a la Atención Médica en California”

Jay Johnson on Why We Need A National Movement at Populism 2015

Every speaker from throughout the country at Populism 2015 last weekend in Washington, D.C. was inspiring. Among them, Virginia Organizing Treasurer Jay Johnson especially nailed it, rallying the crowd during a Saturday plenary session. “We need a national movement like we’re trying to build here,” said Jay. “It needs to be grounded in and ownedContinue reading “Jay Johnson on Why We Need A National Movement at Populism 2015”

“Breaking Barriers” Research Uncovers Disparities in Health Care Access

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 9, 2015 Contact: Kathy Mulady, communications (206) 992-8787 “Breaking Barriers” Research Uncovers Disparities in Health Care Access Health Coverage Doesn’t Translate to Health Care in Communities of Color As more families get health insurance, it’s becoming clear that despite the many advances of the Affordable Care Act, we must do moreContinue reading ““Breaking Barriers” Research Uncovers Disparities in Health Care Access”

Household Debt Is a National Crisis

Years after Toni Potter’s husband passed away from pancreatic cancer, debt collectors in her state of Washington were still relentlessly hounding her about his hospital bills. Andrea Anderson, a young student in Oregon, has been saddled with $150,000 in college loans as she pursues her dream of becoming a social worker. She knows she’ll beContinue reading “Household Debt Is a National Crisis”