It’s a Matter of Life and Death: Insurers Must Cover Language Services

A 14-year-old girl accompanies her Somali-speaking father to his medical appointment. Because the clinic doesn’t provide an interpreter, the girl has to inform her own father than he has been diagnosed with cancer. She remains his interpreter through eight years of treatment, sometimes hiding information to protect him from the bad news. A group ofContinue reading “It’s a Matter of Life and Death: Insurers Must Cover Language Services”

Report: Racial Health Disparities Magnified in California Under ACA

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Contact: Kathy Mulady, communications director (206) 992-8787 Breaking Barriers to Health Care Access in California “Obamacare didn’t cause the widespread racial disparities we found, but neither did it solve them.” More Californians than ever before have health insurance, but coverage isn’t care, and the Affordable Care ActContinue reading “Report: Racial Health Disparities Magnified in California Under ACA”

Opening the Door

The Importance of Language and Literacy Access under Health Reform The primary goal of health care reform is to reduce uninsured rates and thereby ensure access to quality health care for the approximately 46.3 million currently uninsured. This population consists disproportionately of people of color, immigrants and low-income people.

Washington CAN!: Medical Interpretation Victory Empowers Patients and Workers

For eight years, I was the interpreter for my father while he was sick. At the age of 14, I was more his interpreter than his daughter. I worried about how I would tell my father that another part of his leg would be amputated or whether he was going to survive another surgery. SometimesContinue reading “Washington CAN!: Medical Interpretation Victory Empowers Patients and Workers”