Racial Disparities in Health Care Access Magnified As More Gain Coverage

I was recently on a telephone call with Antron McKay-West, the president and founder of Upgrade Mississippi. He was describing the frustration people in his tiny hometown on the Mississippi Delta experienced trying to sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Most families in the town still don’t have Internet in theirContinue reading “Racial Disparities in Health Care Access Magnified As More Gain Coverage”

Report Card: States Rejecting Medicaid Expansion Get Poorest Grades on Women’s Health

The Alliance for a Just Society has released a Women’s Health Report Card that reveals which states get poor and failing grades when it comes to women’s health and to ensuring access to quality, affordable and timely health care – important measures of states’ public health infrastructure. The report card is here: https://www.allianceforajustsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/50-State-Rankings-and-Grades-Table.pdf The fullContinue reading “Report Card: States Rejecting Medicaid Expansion Get Poorest Grades on Women’s Health”

Race Matters: Living Wage Jobs in the Current Economy

It’s always been tough for working families in the Northwest to make ends meet. The recession has made it even harder – and harder still for people of color, who have historically faced racial inequities in the job market. The economic crisis has only worsened these disparities in employment, wages, and income. Race Matters shinesContinue reading “Race Matters: Living Wage Jobs in the Current Economy”

Washington CAN!: Medical Interpretation Victory Empowers Patients and Workers

For eight years, I was the interpreter for my father while he was sick. At the age of 14, I was more his interpreter than his daughter. I worried about how I would tell my father that another part of his leg would be amputated or whether he was going to survive another surgery. SometimesContinue reading “Washington CAN!: Medical Interpretation Victory Empowers Patients and Workers”