LeeAnn Hall: What’s at Stake in the Supreme Court Today?

Today the Supreme Court is hearing arguments in United States v. Texas, the case that will decide whether President Obama’s 2014 executive actions on immigration were constitutional. What’s at stake? Millions of immigrants and their families could see relief and move forward with their lives free from the fear of deportation if the Supreme Court showsContinue reading “LeeAnn Hall: What’s at Stake in the Supreme Court Today?”

Community Organizing Groups Applaud FHFA Principal Reduction Policy

For Immediate Release April 15, 2016 Kathy Mulady, kathy@allianceforajustsociety.org Jacob Swenson-Lengyel, jacob@npa-us.org Community Organizing Groups Applaud FHFA Principal Reduction Policy Yesterday, the Fair Housing Finance Agency announced a principal reduction modification program that will help up to 33,000 borrowers. In response, Alliance for a Just Society and National People’s Action released the following statement: “TheContinue reading “Community Organizing Groups Applaud FHFA Principal Reduction Policy”

Colleges Squeezing Out Less Profitable Home State Students

A change in funding at state colleges and universities is starting to change who makes up the student body. In-state students, even with perfect grades and impressive lists of extra-curricular activities, are being passed over in favor of out-of-state students willing to pay three times the tuition. A scathing report last month accused the CaliforniaContinue reading “Colleges Squeezing Out Less Profitable Home State Students”

Gerrymandered Out of a Voice and a Vote

As the election season picks up steam, the matter of voting rights is making its way back into the mainstream media. Voters need to have their voices, and their votes counted. However, many of the newest congressional districts have been drawn in a way that limits the voice and voting power of people of color,Continue reading “Gerrymandered Out of a Voice and a Vote”

LeeAnn Hall: Supreme Court Verdict Assures Unions Can Continue to Help Workers

The Alliance for a Just Society released the following statement from Executive Director LeeAnn Hall in response to Tuesday’s 4-4 Supreme Court verdict in the Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association case. The decision lets stand a lower court ruling upholding public sector unions’ ability to collect “fair share” fees to cover the costs of collectiveContinue reading “LeeAnn Hall: Supreme Court Verdict Assures Unions Can Continue to Help Workers”

Debt-Trap Debbie Swimming With the Loan Sharks

Debt-Trap Debbie needs to stop shilling for predatory payday lenders who siphon $8 billion in fees and interest each year from those who can least afford it. That was the message delivered this week to Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s doorstep at the Democratic National Committee, which she chairs, by a hundred grassroots leaders fromContinue reading “Debt-Trap Debbie Swimming With the Loan Sharks”

New Report: Disenfranchised by Debt

For Immediate Release March 8, 2016 Contact: Kathy Mulady Communications Director (206) 992-8787 kathy@allianceforajustsociety.org Washington D.C. – Poverty isn’t supposed to be a barrier to voting in the United States, at least according to the Constitution. Yet, more than 50 years after poll taxes were prohibited by the Voting Rights Act of 1965, people withContinue reading “New Report: Disenfranchised by Debt”

Tools to End the Prison to Poverty Pipeline

A prison sentence often doesn’t end on the day of release. For many people with conviction records, their sentence will continue for years to come with barriers to employment and housing. Research in the report, “Jobs after Jail: Ending the prison to poverty pipeline,” by the Alliance for a Just Society, show that states haveContinue reading “Tools to End the Prison to Poverty Pipeline”

LeeAnn Hall’s Statement on CFPB Actions Against Citibank

For Immediate Release Feb. 23, 2016 Contact: Kathy Mulady, Communications Director kathy@allianceorajustsociety.org Statement from LeeAnn Hall on CFPB actions against Citibank The Alliance for a Just Society released the following statement from executive director LeeAnn Hall following today’s announcement by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) outlining enforcement actions against Citibank for illegal debt salesContinue reading “LeeAnn Hall’s Statement on CFPB Actions Against Citibank”

Jobs After Jail: Ending the Prison to Poverty Pipeline

For Immediate Release Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2016 Contact: Kathy Mulady Communications director (206) 992-8787 kathy@allianceforajustsociety.org Jobs After Jail: Ending the Prison to Poverty Pipeline State regulations bar formerly incarcerated workers from good jobs and a chance at stability Each year an average of 630,000 people are released from state and federal prisons – for many,Continue reading “Jobs After Jail: Ending the Prison to Poverty Pipeline”