Alabama’s H.B. 56 is Bad for People of Color

Last week, a federal judge refused to block enforcement of Alabama’s anti-immigration law, HB 56. This law, the harshest anti-immigrant law in the country, requires law enforcement officers to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect may be an undocumented immigrant and demands that K-12 schools track the immigration status of children. This lawContinue reading “Alabama’s H.B. 56 is Bad for People of Color”

Left in the Dark

Today, members of the Health Rights Organizing Project called on the federal government to prevent health insurance companies from denying health care to people who speak limited English. Under the new health reform law, patients have the right to appeal insurance companies’ health care denials. Insurers are supposed to inform patients of these rights, includingContinue reading “Left in the Dark”

Small Businesses Oppose Mandatory E-Verify as Job-Killer

Ahead of a scheduled mark-up of H.R. 2885, a proposal that would mandate the use of the controversial E-Verify employment verification system by every employer in the country, small business owner David Borris, owner of Hel’s Kitchen Catering in Northbrook, IL spoke at a press event outside the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on September 14Continue reading “Small Businesses Oppose Mandatory E-Verify as Job-Killer”

Immigrants Facing Deportation Might Stay in the US

Yesterday, President Obama announced that undocumented immigrants without criminal records facing deportation can stay in the U.S. The government is saying that many of them might be able to apply for a work permit.

E-verify Hurts Local Economies

Main Street Alliance members Edgar Andrade of Bushwick, Brooklyn and Jim Houser of Portland, Oregon were joined on a press call Wednesday by Mayor Paul Bridges of Uvalda, GA to address the drastic ramifications of state-based, enforcement-only immigration laws. These laws are being enacted in states across the country, starting in Arizona and spreading toContinue reading “E-verify Hurts Local Economies”

Immigration and Modern Day Slavery in the Deep South

Back in 2005, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in Florida made headway in their campaign against modern day slavery. In the months leading to their victory, CIW went on tours throughout the country. They made at stop in Boise State University, where I was attending college at the time. One of their speakers told theContinue reading “Immigration and Modern Day Slavery in the Deep South”

Meet Today’s Help

When the movie The Help opens this week, hundreds of thousands of viewers will get swept up in the story of domestic workers who are struggling for dignity and respect in Civil Rights-era Mississippi. What those viewers might be surprised to learn is that across America, modern domestic workers are living out that struggle today.

Growing Resistance against Anti-immigrant Legislation

In July of 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against Arizona’s infamous SB 1070, a bill requiring police in that state to check the immigration status of anyone they “suspect” of being undocumented. A year later, Alabama has taken a step further by targeting immigrant children — schools would be required toContinue reading “Growing Resistance against Anti-immigrant Legislation”

Fighting New York City’s Wrongful Deportation Policies

In June of 2009 Ricardo Muñiz, an undocumented migrant from Mexico, was attacked by two men who shouted anti-gay and anti-immigrant slurs while beating him.  Ricardo went to the local police precinct to report the attack. Days later, the police arrested Ricardo, accusing him of having committed an attack against his perpetrators. In August ofContinue reading “Fighting New York City’s Wrongful Deportation Policies”

Washington CAN! Leads Takeover of State Capitol to Protest Budget Cuts

At 8 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6, Lieutenant  Mark Arras of the Washington State Patrol addressed a crowd of 100 people who had filled the Capitol Building rotunda with sleeping bags and pillows. They had taken up camp in the Capitol to protest state budget cuts slashing social services like health care and education. “WeContinue reading “Washington CAN! Leads Takeover of State Capitol to Protest Budget Cuts”