Washington CAN! Holds Move Your Money Action at Seattle Bank of America Offices

In Washington state, big out-of-state banks such as Bank of America, Chase, Citigroup, KeyBank, and Wells Fargo are using the money from their hard-working customers’ accounts to kill legislation that would help local communities–including a renewal of a $67 million tax break for themselves. While thousands of vital state services are cut and state employeesContinue reading “Washington CAN! Holds Move Your Money Action at Seattle Bank of America Offices”

Washington CAN! Holds Week of Action to Fight Corporate Power

This post was written by Nathan Riding from Washington CAN! The summer of 2010 will long be remembered for the worst environmental disaster in history of our country. The BP oil spill killed eleven men, countless animals, birds, and fish, and destroyed the economic livelihoods of thousands of people. The long-term impact of the BPContinue reading “Washington CAN! Holds Week of Action to Fight Corporate Power”