Facebook’s Changes Hit Community Orgs Where It Hurts. What To Do?

It’s confirmed: if you run a Facebook ‘page’ (for your community organization, for instance), Facebook’s algorithms are holding your constituents hostage until you pay up. Due to unannounced, opaque changes to what items appear in a user’s News feed, Facebook page administrators who don’t pay to upgrade are already experiencing a 75 percent or greaterContinue reading “Facebook’s Changes Hit Community Orgs Where It Hurts. What To Do?”


This is part eight in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process. Role in the Landscape MapLight.org tracks the influence of money in the U.S. Congress as well as in CaliforniaContinue reading “MapLight.org”