Tax Havens for Big Business? Small Business Owners Say ‘Not so fast’

Multi-Partisan small business owners spoke out earlier this month, further distinguishing their interests from those of Big Business. Wednesday, in his post “Has the Budget Crisis Du Jour Got You Down?” Bill Daley pointed out that if Congress were to close one tax loophole on offshore accounts, it could be enough to create a ‘jobContinue reading “Tax Havens for Big Business? Small Business Owners Say ‘Not so fast’”

Has Budget Crisis du Jour Got You Down?

The debate about the national economy seems to have slipped into the shadows. You may be breathing a sigh of relief. Shadows on the budget are inevitable with the Congress focusing on immigration and the press focusing on the attack in Boston.

Native Organizers: Trained in Seattle for a Week and Built Nationwide Solidarity for the Future

Last week, a group of 22 Natives from all over the country came together with a willingness to learn from each other, stand in solidarity with one another, and challenge the systems of inequity that threatens the health and welfare of our elders and youth. In mid-February, Alliance for a Just Society began to recruitContinue reading “Native Organizers: Trained in Seattle for a Week and Built Nationwide Solidarity for the Future”

The Housing Crisis in Pueblo, Colorado

  Community Rally Hits One Consistent Message: Get Rid of Ed Demarco Fred and Sophia Patterson have a mortgage that was bought from Bank of America by Freddie Mac. When Mr. Patterson had his identity stolen, he lost everything, and asked for some assistance. The Pattersons accepted a temporary loan modification and continued to payContinue reading “The Housing Crisis in Pueblo, Colorado”

Ashland, OR: Another Victory for Local Banking

Oregon Action! nailed another victory to move municipal money out from under major banks. After many months working to engage local municipalities on responsible banking practices, OA!  moved the Ashland City Council to unanimously pass a resolution authorizing the city to move some of its money out of Wells Fargo and to establish accounts atContinue reading “Ashland, OR: Another Victory for Local Banking”

The Nation: US Bank, Fair Lending and the Job Gap

This Week in Poverty: Banks Got Nowhere to Run To, Baby Greg Kaufmann | April 12, 2013 Last year, US Bank held its annual shareholders meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, home of its corporate headquarters. The event was dominated by shareholders and proxies who are members of Minnesotans for a Fair Economy [1], an alliance ofContinue reading “The Nation: US Bank, Fair Lending and the Job Gap”

For Family Unity and a Path to Citizenship– the Time is Now!

  As I stood on the West Lawn of the Capitol this afternoon listening to Dolores Huerta, an idol of mine, I felt like I was experiencing the making of history. In the midst of her powerful speech I took a moment to observe those around me. I looked around at the thousands of facesContinue reading “For Family Unity and a Path to Citizenship– the Time is Now!”

Partnership Banking in Maine: Investing Local Capital Locally

The national and international banking systems facilitate the extraction of wealth from Maine communities. The state of Maine has the resources to slow this economic leakage and strengthen it local financial sector. LD 1078 has been introduced into Maine’s legislature. Read the Report that helped set this bill in motion: .

Introducing Chain of Title in Colorado and other Protections for Homeowners.

A term that apparently means nothing to the banks of Colorado and the Alliance affiliate, Colorado Progressive Coalition is set to make the banks understand just what that phrase means. But for homeowners: it means a lot more. A chain of title is the sequence of historical transfers of title to a property. The “chain”Continue reading “Introducing Chain of Title in Colorado and other Protections for Homeowners.”

Survival Denied: Stories from Alaska Native Families Living in a Broken System

“The indigenous hunting and fishing practices of ALL Alaska Natives, including the harvesting and sharing of fish, game, and other resources and the ceremonies which accompany these practices provide for the SOCIAL, CULTURAL, SPIRITUAL, & ECONOMIC WELL-BEING & SURVIVAL of the Alaska Native community