Starbucks’ Free College Gimmick Clouds the Real Problem

As we’ve reported here and here, the state of higher education in this country has reached a crisis. The cost of tuition has risen substantially faster than any other good or service over the past 40 years.  There are many that are calling the student debt crisis the next financial bubble. Under the Starbucks plan,Continue reading “Starbucks’ Free College Gimmick Clouds the Real Problem”

Immigration Victories in Arizona and Beyond

Following the passage of Arizona’s racist, anti-immigrant law SB 1070, there is good news.  In the wake of SB 1070, five anti-immigrant bills have been defeated in Arizona. One of the bills defeated included the denial of birth right citizenship to children of undocumented immigrants. But the worst of one of all proposed requiring hospitalsContinue reading “Immigration Victories in Arizona and Beyond”

Getting Out the Latino Vote in the November Elections

A poll released on October 5th shows that while Democratic-leaning Latinos are not likely to vote with the Republican Party this November, they are also so disappointed with the current political climate that many of them might not participate in the upcoming elections at all (( New York Times: According to the Pew HispanicContinue reading “Getting Out the Latino Vote in the November Elections”

Politicians Out of Sync with People on Immigration

As Politico reported last week ((Politico, “Gov. candidates in 20 states endorse anti-immigration laws,” September 2, 2010,  of the 37 governor’s races this year, candidates in over 20 states are pushing anti-immigrant laws.

Federal Judge Rules Against Arizona Immigration Law

Today, Wednesday, July 28, 2010 Judge Susan Bolton ruled that Arizona’s controversial law SB1070 does indeed overstep the state’s boundary to enforce federal immigration law. The ruling will put an injunction on the most egregious provisions of the law, while other provisions remain intact. The ruling is a major victory for the immigrant rights movement,Continue reading “Federal Judge Rules Against Arizona Immigration Law”

Washington CAN! Calls On Seattle Mariners to Boycott Arizona and Move The Game

This post was written by María Guillén Valdovinos of Washington CAN! On Saturday, July 24, members of Washington Community Action Network and NWFCO, along with social activists from Seattle, rallied and dropped banners both inside and outside Safeco Field at the sold-out Mariners game against the Boston Red Sox. Wearing bright yellow t-shirts with blackContinue reading “Washington CAN! Calls On Seattle Mariners to Boycott Arizona and Move The Game”