Main Street Alliance Leaders Plant Flag for Small Business Values in Washington, D.C.

In late July, small business owners from all across the country – from Maine to Montana, Louisiana to North Dakota – left their homes and their businesses on a mission: to carry a message about small business values direct from their Main Streets back home all the way to Washington, D.C. It was the “America’sContinue reading “Main Street Alliance Leaders Plant Flag for Small Business Values in Washington, D.C.”

NWFCO Launches The Justice Leadership Academy

Twenty-seven leaders from grassroots organizations in six states came together in Seattle during three very hot days in early July to launch NWFCO’s newest training program, the Justice Leadership Academy (JLA).

Congress Passes Financial Reform Bill!

On Thursday, July 15, Congress passed the strongest financial reform bill since the Great Depression, tightening restrictions on banks and Wall Street, cracking down on lending practices, and expanding consumer protections in order to prevent a repeat of the 2008 meltdown, the consequences from which we are still reeling. President Obama will sign the billContinue reading “Congress Passes Financial Reform Bill!”

Colorado Progressive Coalition Hails Payday Lending Reform Passage

On May 5th, 2010, the Colorado state legislature passed a payday lending reform bill that is a huge victory against predatory lending, and will benefit an estimated 200,000 low-income Coloradans annually.

“This is a Movement, not a Moment” — Scenes from the Montana Organizing Project Founding Convention

This post was written by Amanda Harrow, Montana Small Business Program Director An energized diverse group of people came together this past weekend in Butte, Montana, to found the Montana Organizing Project. Seventy people from labor unions, faith communities, non-profit service organizations, and other interested communities around the state joined in committing to work forContinue reading ““This is a Movement, not a Moment” — Scenes from the Montana Organizing Project Founding Convention”

Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is

In late May, seventy-five people from twelve different states gathered in Seattle for the inaugural two-day symposium of the Institute for Pragmatic Practice (IPP): “Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is: Building State Budgets that Reflect Our Values.”

Tax Justice in Oregon

Just weeks after conservative Scott Brown was elected to replace Senator Ted Kennedy in a Massachusetts special election, and the Supreme Court squashed restrictions on corporate campaign contributions, the health care bill appeared dead. Pundits across the country warned of the end of the progressive agenda. Meanwhile in Oregon, hundreds of volunteers poured into unionContinue reading “Tax Justice in Oregon”

Coloradans Tell Congress to Listen to People Power, not Corporate Power

On February 17th, 200 Denver activists turned out on the busy corner of 17th and Lincoln in front of the Wells Fargo building to call on Congress to listen to people, not profits. Colorado Progressive Action, joined by a coalition of community-based organizations, pointed to powerful corporations like Wells Fargo as the prime roadblocks toContinue reading “Coloradans Tell Congress to Listen to People Power, not Corporate Power”

Washington CAN! Demands That Chase Pay Its Fair Share!

On March 15th, 2010, Washington Community Action Network and close to 100 protesters chanted outside of Chase’s headquarters in downtown Seattle, demanding that the company and other big Wall Street banks pay their fair share to help maintain crucial state services.

2009 Job Gap: Searching for Work that Pays

The Job Gap study calculates a basic family budget for different family structures in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado. Based on this “living wage” the study then estimates the number and proportion of job openings that provide a sufficient wage to support and individual or a family’s basic needs without relying on public assistance.